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导读:Doctor: 医生,指医学专业从事疾病诊断、治疗和预防的人员。Example sentence: The doctor examined the patients x-rays and

Doctor: 医生,指医学专业从事疾病诊断、治疗和预防的人员。

Example sentence: The doctor examined the patient's x-rays and made a diagnosis.

Physician: 医师,指经过专业培训并获得执业资格的医生。

Example sentence: The physician prescribed medication for the patient's illness.

Surgeon: 外科医生,指专门从事手术治疗的医生。

Example sentence: The surgeon successfully performed a heart transplant on the patient.

Specialist: 专科医生,指在特定领域有专门知识和技能的医生。

Example sentence: The specialist recommended a treatment plan for the rare disease.

Pediatrician: 儿科医生,指专门从事儿童健康和疾病治疗的医生。

Example sentence: The pediatrician checked the child's growth and development during their annual check-up.

Dentist: 牙医,指从事牙齿健康和治疗的医生。

Example sentence: The dentist filled in a cavity in the patient's tooth.

Therapist: 治疗师,指从事身体或心理治疗的专业人员。

Example sentence: The therapist helped the patient work through their anxiety and depression.

Nurse: 护士,指在医院或诊所提供护理服务的注册护士或执业护士。

Example sentence: The nurse administered medication and monitored the patient's vital signs.

Midwife: 助产士,指在孕产期提供护理和指导的专业人员。

Example sentence: The midwife helped deliver the baby and provided postpartum care for the mother.

Pharmacist: 药剂师,指从事药物配药和咨询的专业人员。

Example sentence: The pharmacist filled the prescription and explained the potential side effects to the patient.

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