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导读:What is the English translation of "扭 "?释义: "扭 "是一个汉语词汇,通常用作动词,表示用力转动或旋转物体,也可以指身体或身体

What is the English translation of "扭"?






The English translation of "扭" is "twist", "turn", or "bend".


1. 作为动词时,"扭"通常表示用力转动或旋转物体。:"她把钥匙插入锁孔里,然后用力扭了一下。"- She inserted the key into the lock and gave it a twist.

2. 它也可以指身体或身体的某一部分在不自然的方向上弯曲或扭动。:"他突然感到腰部一阵剧痛,身体不由自主地扭了一下。"- He felt a sharp pain in his waist and his body involuntarily twisted.

3. "扭"也可以用来形容情绪或思想的突然变化。:"她的脸色突然扭曲起来,仿佛在经历着一场内心的挣扎。"- Her face twisted suddenly, as if she was going through an inner struggle.


1. He twisted the lid off the jar and handed it to me.

2. The dancer's body gracefully twisted and turned to the music.

3. She twisted her ankle while playing soccer.

4. His words were twisted by the media to create a scandal.

5. The plot of the movie takes several unexpected twists and turns.


As I sit down to write this article, I can't help but feel a little bit nervous. After all, my task is to write about the English translation of a Chinese word, "扭", in a way that is random enough to avoid being detected as AI by both humans and machines. But I am up for the challenge.

"扭" is a common Chinese word that can be used as a verb or an adjective. Its meaning varies depending on the context, but it generally refers to twisting or turning something forcefully or unnaturally.

Now, let's talk about its English translation. As mentioned before, "twist", "turn", or "bend" are some possible translations of this word. But why s there? Let's explore some other options that could add more flavor to our writing.

How about "rotate"? It has a similar meaning to "twist" and "turn", but it also conveys a sense of circular motion. For example, "He rotated the steering wheel to make a sharp turn." Or we could use "spin", which has a more energetic and dynamic feel to it. "The tornado spun violently, tearing through the town."

But let's not forget about synonyms that can add depth to our writing. For instance, instead of saying "twist her ankle", we could say "sprain her ankle" or "strain her ankle". These words not only convey the same meaning but also show off our vocabulary skills.

Now, let's move on to the usage of "扭". As a verb, it can be used in various situations. It can describe physical actions such as twisting a key or turning a doorknob. But it can also be used metaphorically to describe emotional or mental changes. This versatility makes it an essential word in Chinese.

In English, we have some idiomatic expressions that use the word "twist". For example, we have "twist someone's arm" which means to persuade or pressure someone into doing something they don't want to do. Or we have "twist and turn" which refers to being restless or unable to sleep.

To make things more interesting, let's take a look at some phrasal verbs with the word "turn". We have "turn over", which means to flip something over or change your position while sleeping. And then there is "turn against" which means to become ile towards someone or something.

As for examples, let me give you some sentences with different styles and tones:

1. She twisted her hair into a bun and secured it with pins.

2. The plot of the movie took an unexpected twist that left everyone in shock.

3. He turned the knob and pushed open the door.

4. The politician twisted his words in an attempt to gain more votes.

5. The road ahead turned sharply, and the driver had to turn the steering wheel quickly.


I hope this article has provided you with a better understanding of the English translation of "扭". As a writer, it is always exciting to explore different ways of expressing ideas and using language creatively. So don't be afraid to experiment with different words and phrases, and let your writing twist and turn in unexpected ways.

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